Chapter champions
The Institute’s revamped IAE Advisory Council aims to enhance the “IREM experience”

IREM Association Executives (IAEs) are an integral part of the success of IREM’s 78 U.S. chapters. An IAE manages the operations, management, and administration of their local chapter. Their many responsibilities include board and leadership support, financial management, and engagement with members and industry partners. They also support the overall operation of the chapter as an independently incorporated 501(c)(6) organization.
Perhaps the greatest value IREM chapters provide is their ability to deliver the “IREM experience” to members and potential members. IAEs ensure that chapters are serving as a conduit within their communities for all things IREM by working to keep their chapter in alignment with the four objectives of every IREM chapter: networking, learning, leadership, and member engagement.
Positioned to make an impact
In 2020, the Governing Council approved several updates to the Institute’s governance structure to ensure that IREM leadership remains aligned with the Institute’s long-term vision. Put into effect in 2023, part of that update included moving the IREM Association Executive Advisory Group to a more formalized structure.
Members of the IAE Advisory Council now serve for a term of two years rather than just one year. This change will allow the group to examine chapter support services and longer-term projects in greater detail, enabling the Advisory Council to have a much more considerable impact. By offering their input and informing the development of resources, services, and training, the IAE Advisory Council is positioned to enhance the IREM experience across the country, one of the main pillars of the IREM Strategic Plan.
Advisory Council composition and priorities
The 2023 IAE Advisory Council comprises an extraordinary group of seasoned chapter association management professionals, including chair Teri Lind, IAE of the IREM Chicago Chapter, Susan Wagner from the IREM St. Louis Chapter, Kristin Hiett from the IREM Dallas Chapter, Jean Collins from the IREM Greater Metropolitan Washington Chapter, and Carol Walker from the IREM Northern Virginia Chapter.
One of the top priorities for the IAE Advisory Council this year was to plan the IAE Workshop component of the 2023 Chapter Leadership Retreat, held in Chicago on April 25–26. The Advisory Council will also plan the IAE Professional Development Forum at the 2023 IREM Global Summit in Toronto from Oct. 10–13. Through surveys and personal outreach to other chapter IAEs, the Advisory Council ensures that all IREM IAEs receive the education and training they need to carry out IREM’s mission through each local chapter. In addition, the Advisory Council will provide feedback on the resources being developed by IREM Headquarters for IAEs and chapters, including the new and improved online IAE community.
New virtual community for IAEs
Under the direction of and with input from the Advisory Council’s predecessor, the IAE Advisory Group, the new IAE community was launched in November 2022. This virtual community was created to connect IAEs, share information, and create a peer-to-peer forum to discuss issues related to day-to-day chapter operations, events, courses, governance, and more.
Since the community was established, IAEs have been able to engage in robust online discussions and knowledge sharing. This includes making available resources and chapter best practices. The new online community is an extension of the IREM Learning platform, giving IAEs a better understanding of what members experience when pursuing IREM education and certifications through our many online course offerings. Moving forward, the IAE Advisory Council will be pivotal in monitoring the ongoing success of this new initiative.
Beyond the new virtual IAE community, the IAE Advisory Council will collaborate with the Member Experience Advisory Council to develop several other special projects throughout 2023. With its retooled structure in place, the IAE Advisory Council is positioned to remain a key partner for IREM Headquarters in identifying new opportunities to enhance customer service and the IREM membership experience.
Issue: May/June 2023 Volume 88 Number 3
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