Submit to JPM

How do I submit content to JPM?

  • E-mail your proposed article, outline, abstract or completed article to Include “JPM Content Submission” in the subject line.
  • If e-mailing an incomplete article, outline or abstract of interest, you may be asked to follow up with a completed draft of your article.
  • If e-mailing a complete draft of your article, your article will be reviewed via IREM’s editorial process and given equal consideration for publication.
  • You will be contacted by JPM with next steps should your submission be selected for publication or if a completed draft of an incomplete article, outline or abstract of interest is required for consideration.
  • Accepted content will be considered for publication at the discretion of the editorial staff; submissions will be published in accordance with editorial themes and according to the nature and timeliness of the content.

What are our article requirements & guidelines?

JPM is IREM’s official magazine and covers the most comprehensive range of information pertaining to property management and real estate professionals of all property types and at all levels of experience in the real estate management industry.

Article Requirements:

  • Feature articles are typically between 1,100-1,500 words long.
  • Columns are typically 800-1,000 words long.
  • Content should be submitted in a Word document.
  • Include author’s name, title, company, geographic location, e-mail address in byline.
  • Avoid using footnotes; cited statistics should include their sources within the article.
  • Make sure all facts and quotes are fact checked and correct.
  • Refer to the Associated Press Stylebook for stylistic and grammatical questions.
  • Do not promote or advertise any products, services or individuals.

 Article Guidelines & Tips:

  • Use a conversational tone and use specific examples and/or case studies to illustrate points.
  • Use subheads to break up text.
  • Provide supporting sidebars, tables, figures, charts or artwork along with your article.
  • Use as many supporting quotes and sources as possible to support your topic.

Who can write for JPM?

Authors are not required to be members of IREM. Any individuals with expertise in the real estate management industry are invited to submit. However, both their expertise and ideas must be relevant and applicable to the industry and must be original in content. Publishing an article in JPM establishes you as a credible expert in your field—exposing your thoughts and ideas to the thousands of readers throughout the world—and opens a dialogue among your peers.

  • Prior to publication, all authors are required to sign an Author Agreement.
  • All articles must be original and not previously published.
  • Articles may be reprinted in other publications with the express permission of JPM.