NextGen perspectives
Seven property management professionals tout the value of the CPM® designation to their careers and their future

Just over a year ago, at the IREM Global Summit in Toronto, 10 property management professionals from across the country came together to start a program that would put them on a path toward the Certified Property Manager® designation. While they knew their end goal would be graduating with the CPM, many were unaware of how impactful the experience would be on their personal and professional lives.
We had the opportunity to connect with seven members of the 2023-2024 Next Gen CPM Leaders cohort as they shared their personal experiences, where they see the future of property management heading, and the legacy they’d like to leave on the industry.
A drive for personal success
Like many property management professionals, Rebecca Watson, CPM®, ARM®, says she “started in property management as a result of a career change and, because of that, wanted to catch up quickly to my colleagues with more tenure in the industry. IREM certifications presented a pathway to set property managers apart, not just for their knowledge and skills, but also for their commitment to the industry.”

Leslie Amaro, CPM®
Leslie Amaro, CPM®, says, “I had no doubt that the CPM was something I needed to pursue” and found that “while learning all the aspects of a new role in my company, I was excited to put the knowledge learned through the program to the test.”
Within weeks of completing the CPM Capstone, Dennis Smith, CPM®, found himself thinking back to the Asset Management coursework as he completed a midstream analysis for a client evaluating a potential investment property. Watson went straight to her comparison grid charts to support her recommendations for rental rates of her property. “It was incredibly affirming to be able to directly use skills that I had studied just months before, and to do so with confidence,” Watson says.

Dennis Smith, CPM®
Even though the CPM coursework may be behind them, these future leaders see the importance of their continued involvement within the IREM community. “It’s a humbling and satisfying feeling to be in a group of like-minded individuals who are driven and committed to excellence and are craving to always better themselves while having fun doing it,” says Diego Pandika, CPM®.
A look to the future
With CPM proudly tacked on to the end of each of their names, our Next Gen CPM Leaders look to the future of the industry with excitement, knowing that “while learning from the past, we remain nimble as we forecast for what the future holds,” as Pandika put it.

Diego Pandika, CPM®
Amaro notes, “As property managers, we must be ready to find a solution and evolve with the new trends, being innovative to help our owners achieve their goals.” It’s no surprise that technology and the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) came up in each conversation when discussing the future of property management.
“Property managers must encourage tech-positive behavior. We cannot shy away from it. We need to proactively plan for it before there is a decisively negative impact on our workforce,” Smith says. “The push for AI-driven platforms to solve problems from a solely revenue-oriented point, at the expense of experienced property managers’ focus on tenants, vendors, and clients, poses a key challenge in our future.”
Allen McCurdy, CPM®, shares similar sentiments, saying, “I believe we are seeing a shift back to pre-pandemic operational practices and the growing consensus that tenants and residents want the personal touch again, creating a very delicate balancing act between leveraging technology and people.”

Tiana McQueen, CPM®
Tiana McQueen, CPM®, notes that technological changes are also driving the work of environmental and sustainability groups to create a greener future. “By embracing these innovations, we are not only meeting regulatory requirements and achieving sustainability goals but also providing healthier and more attractive environments both for tenants and employees.” McQueen would love to see more solar energy and beehive rooftops supporting energy-efficient buildings with vibrant rooftop ecosystems.
“We have to demonstrate our value by embracing technological aptitude rather than outright resisting it,” Smith says. “When a client is faced with the choice of hiring a management team or a tech-savvy platform, property managers can capture the opportunity.”
A lasting legacy
While looking to the future, we also asked our Next Gen CPM Leaders to tell us in their own words about the impact they’d like to have on the industry:
“I want to leave a legacy of integrity, mentorship, and as a pioneer who fully exploits the potential of the self-storage industry. My goal is to drive innovation and set new standards that enhance both operational capabilities and the customer experience.” –Leslie Amaro, CPM®

Allen McCurdy, CPM®
“I strive to be the leader people want to work with, never forgetting what each stage of my own journey entailed. If I am helping others learn and grow to achieve their dreams and goals within this industry, then they are my legacy.” –Allen McCurdy, CPM®
“I want to be remembered as someone who championed the dreams of the ‘little guys.’ There is nothing more rewarding than witnessing the joy and pride of a tenant opening the doors to their new business for the first time, or watching a small business grow and succeed.” –Tiana McQueen, CPM®
“My legacy will be left through the success of others and the impact that I have in their lives.” –Diego Pandika, CPM®

Jon Perea, CPM®
“Might sound simple, but I’d love to leave a legacy of love. Loving each other, loving what we do, loving the problems we solve, loving the network and lives we impact, loving the journey and not just the destination!” –Jon Perea, CPM®
“I hope to leave a legacy of caring about people first. Before budgets, leases, and contract negotiations—we make a difference in someone’s life by how we treat them. When we show that we can represent the landlord while also advocating for our tenants, there’s a positive change that happens.” –Dennis Smith, CPM®
These inspiring members are already leading the future of IREM by serving on local chapter boards or as IREM Association Executive volunteers for their chapter, and working to bring certifications to more individuals in their network.
As these members step into a new stage of their IREM journey, let’s celebrate this career moment and keep an eye out for these changemakers as they lead the industry into the future.