2020 Officer & Regional Vice President Nominees Slated
The IREM Nominating Committee has announced its slate of nominees for 2020 Officers to serve with 2020 President Cheryl A. Gray, CPM, of QuadReal in Toronto.

2020 President
Cheryl A. Gray, CPM
QuadReal Property Group
2020 President-Elect
W.A. “Chip” Watts IV, CCIM, CPM
Watts Realty Co., Inc., AMO
Birmingham, Ala.
2020 Secretary/Treasurer
George D. Griffin III, CPM
Houston Housing Authority, AMO
The IREM Nominating Committee also submits the following nominations for Regional Vice Presidents for the 2020-2021 term. They are:
Region 1: Peter J. Lewis, CPM
The Schochet Companies, AMO
Braintree, Mass.
Boston Metropolitan Chapter
Region 3: Jae A. Roe, CPM, ACoM
RMR Real Estate Services
Norfolk, Va.
Hampton Roads
Virginia Chapter
Region 4: Deborah R. Phillips, CPM
The Quadrillion
Jonesboro, Ga.
Georgia Chapter
Region 7: Jessica L. Warrior, CPM
Granite Properties
Plano, Texas
Dallas Chapter
Region 9: Kristine C. Haskins, CPM
Colliers International, AMO
Rosemont, Ill.
Chicago Chapter
Region 10: Ryan M. Huffman, CPM
Cohen-Esrey Real Estate Services, Inc., AMO
Overland Park, Kan.
Kansas City Chapter
The election will take place during the IREM Governing Council meeting at the IREM Global Summit in San Francisco, September 23-26, 2019. IREM bylaws provide for additional nominations for Officer and Regional Vice President positions. Any additional nominations must be made by a petition signed by at least 15 members of the Governing Council delivered to the CEO/Executive Vice President at least 10 days in advance of the date set for the election.
Read More: In Support of Scholarship
Issue: March/April 2019
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