March/April 2019

When Things Don’t Go Right

IREM ethics boards ensure the Codes are upheld

In Support of Scholarship

The mission of the IREM Foundation is to be a resource for people and organizations…

2020 Officer & Regional Vice President Nominees Slated

The IREM Nominating Committee has announced its slate of nominees for 2020 Officers to serve with 2020 President Cheryl A. Gray, CPM, of QuadReal in Toronto.


Mastering Community Relations

The evolution of community associations into true communities requires a steadfast grip of the nuances of association management.

Shanghai’s Hongqiao Development

A prototype for the future of business

Member updates – March/April 2019

Monthly roundup of our members’ achievements.

There’s More to the REME Awards Than Meets the Eye

Industry recognition is only the outward face of the roll-up-their-sleeves hard work that winners put into their businesses.

Under review

A number of real estate management companies are looking at their performance reviews through a different lens.

Making it Your Business

Things to consider when starting your own property management company

Zoning In on a New Opportunity

A new source of investment opportunity for real estate developers.