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A letter from IREM President Chip Watts, CPM, CCIM, C2EX, AHWD®

A look inside this issue of JPM

By Chip Watts, CPM, CCIM, C2EX, AHWD®

IREM President Chip Watts, CPM, CCIM, C2EX, AHWD®

What a year 2021 has been! We saw the tides of the global pandemic begin to take major turns in the right direction. Slowly and cautiously—and I mean cautiously—we welcomed back many tenants to our properties as in-person business restrictions eased. And at IREM Headquarters, we continued to roll out new ways to meet the evolving needs of our members around the globe. So, as 2021 draws to a close, this edition of JPM gives us a look back at where we’ve been and what’s in store for 2022.

One example of IREM’s bright future is already here. As a member of the National Association of REALTORS® Real Property Operations Committee, I was pleased to contribute to the Master Vision for the redevelopment of the REALTOR Building in Chicago—home of the IREM Headquarters team. In the Property Spotlight, Tom Kienzle, CPM, a senior vice president with the building’s management company, GNP Realty Partners, AMO, gives us a detailed rundown of the completed project.

When conditions change, leaders adapt. And in 2020, that meant adjusting to the reality of working remotely. While last year’s virtual Summit was a great success, we were thrilled to gather in person for this year’s event. Enjoy a recap of the 2021 IREM Global Summit in Las Vegas, where we were reminded of the unmatched value of face-to-face social connection.

A highlight of every IREM Global Summit is our celebration of the outstanding achievements of our members. We take great pride in recognizing the best of the best each year, and you can read about this year’s standout professionals honored as 2021 REME Award winners.

With all the recent change and uncertainty finally beginning to settle, real estate managers have had the opportunity to reevaluate which plans were temporary COVID-19 responses and which will stick around. In the Technology column, one of IREM’s valued Industry Partners explains what a game-changer real-time communication between managers and tenants is, and why it’s here to stay.

Looking forward to 2022, we’ll keep on adapting and adjusting—embracing new approaches and relying on shared best practices as we continue to manage to make a difference. Staying ahead of the curve is never an easy task in a vital and dynamic industry like real estate management. In an in-depth overview, read what industry experts have to say about the outlook for real estate in 2022.

Around the world, our members drive innovation based on evolving market needs. Ray Hyoukle Moon, CPM, the IREM Korea chapter president, introduces us to the knowledge industry center in this issue’s Global Practices column. These nontraditional commercial buildings are rapidly becoming one of the most attractive products for real estate investors in the country’s bustling capital city.

Though my term as president is coming to a close, I have no doubt that IREM will be in the best of hands in 2022. Following our strategic plan, we’ll continue to pursue the goals that have been driving IREM’s success over these extraordinary past two years. Read what incoming president, Barry Blanton, CPM, and the rest of our leaders have on their agendas for the upcoming year.

It’s been an honor serving the IREM community as your president. The invaluable experience gained from this opportunity will stay with me forever. Best of luck to the new leadership team. We’re looking forward to what y’all have in store for IREM in 2022.

W.A. “Chip” Watts IV, CPM, CCIM, C2EX, AHWD®
IREM President

Journal of Property Management

Chip Watts, CPM, CCIM, C2EX, AHWD®, is 2021 IREM president as well as president and executive CPM for Watts Realty Co., Inc., AMO, in Birmingham, Alabama.

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