Inspire and be inspired
Words I take to heart as I embark on my presidential journey

Cheryl Gray, CPM IREM President
I’ve adopted the above phrase as my IREM theme for 2020, and they’re words I take to heart as I embark on my presidential journey with, and for, IREM. In my role as president, I hope to inspire our membership with leadership and guidance from a perspective many may not have considered: that of someone whose experience with property management has largely come from outside of the United States. And I’ll continue to be inspired by the professionals who make up our association, and by their passion for our industry.
Dr. Deborah Phillips, CPM, recognizes, as I do, that inspiration plays a very meaningful role in business, which is why she includes it in her “Vision 20/20” leadership strategy outlined in the feature on P14. She notes that inspiring leaders bring out the best in their employees, creating environments of possibility, appreciating their unique contributions and encouraging them to stretch beyond what they might think is achievable. It’s not a “one and done” proposition; inspirational leadership is an ongoing endeavor, but one that will pay off in engaged and motivated employees, which in turn makes it a valuable business tool.
But the employees in your charge aren’t the only ones who can benefit from your encouragement to develop more skills; there are benefits to be had from taking time to reflect inward and seeing where you personally can grow and become even more effective as an industry leader. This issue’s Talent Management column (P28) offers a place to start this process, with a Personal Leadership Action Plan. The column points out that property managers are experts at putting together and executing plans. So why not put that planning expertise to use on yourself? The plan gets its focus from an individual vision statement you compose and builds upon that to establish goals and strategies for personal growth.
Because, you see, inspiration can be found everywhere— even within yourself.
Cheryl Gray, CPM
IREM President
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