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Ready to Serve and Support the Industry

The IREM Foundation was founded in 1977 and has been granting scholarships for much of its 42-year history.

By Rebecca O’Brien
IREM Foundation Board
IREM thanks the 2019 Foundation Board of Directors for their outstanding service (pictured left to right): Top row: Jim Evans, CPM*; Chris Mellen, CPM, ARM; Reggie Mullins, CPM; Dee Headley, CPM; Fred Prassas, CPM; Chip Crumpler, CPM; Vera McPherson, CPM, ARM; Dawn Daffinee, CPM*; Ann Reisch, CPM; Mary Wilken, CPM*; Clark Lindstrom, CPM. Bottom row: Cher Zucker-Maltese, CPM; Malcom Bates, CPM; Deborah Westphal, CPM, ARM; Karen Pharr, CPM; Julie Scott, CPM; Jo Anne Corbitt, CPM*; O. Randall Woodbury, CPM. Not Pictured: Robert Cuttle, CPM*; Denise Froemming, CAE, MBA, CPA; Jo D. Miller; Chip Watts, CPM* *Outgoing Directors

By Rebecca O’Brien

The IREM Foundation was founded in 1977 and has been granting scholarships for much of its 42-year history. In addition to scholarships, the Foundation funds several grants throughout the year that help to further the real estate management industry. It is supported by a talented volunteer board of directors and the tremendous generosity of our members, chapters and friends. Take a look at some highlights from 2019:

  • 320+ IREM Foundation Scholarships awarded
  • 10 leaders supported through IREM’s Diversity & Inclusion Succession Initiative (DISI)
  • 21,000+ potential future real estate professionals reached through IREM participation at the 2019 Distributive Clubs of America (DECA) Conference held in April
  • 61 college students impacted by funding for university curriculum
  • 11 college students sent to the 2019 Global Summit

The newly elected 2020–2022 Foundation Officers, President Julie Scott, CPM, and Vice President Karen Pharr, CPM, are pleased to announce six new additions to the 2020 board: Terrell Edwards, CPM; Benjamin Forsyth, CPM; George Griffin, CPM; Shawn Harvey, CPM; Jonathan Tucker, CPM; and Eileen Wirth, CPM. And the 2020 board of directors is ready to pick up the charge for the coming year, with a passion for property management and commitment to the mission of advancing the profession.

Make a year-end donation today and support continued academic outreach, diversity initiatives, industry research and Foundation scholarships in 2020. Visit to give, or text “ifound” to 444-999.

Journal of Property Management

Rebecca O’Brien ( is IREM Foundation director at IREM Headquarters in Chicago.

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